Knowing In Part A collection of differing political viewpoints that revolve around the geographic and political center of America.
Sunday, July 18, 2004
Samuel's Bloging Status Its good to see that Sid has completed his cumulative exams and is posting. I am not sure what happened to Andrew (I'll poke at him on the phone Monday) and Ben seems to be too busy "living it up" in California to post. I on the other hand have a wonderful justification for my lack of posting: I just moved to Easton, PA to join Lafayette College's Chemical Engineering Department! The move combined with completing my dissertation has knocked my out of the blog loop lately. Combine that with the fact that I do not have access at home yet (that can't happen until early August). SO, it looks as if we are going to have to rely on Sid for a while. The floor is all yours. |
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